Monday, November 17, 2008

"As your attorney i advise you to rent a very fast car with no top"

(This post was inspired by Virtual Exile... smart guy... read the blog)

The so called "Big 3" in the auto industry are putting out their hats hoping that some of that free govt money from the "bailout" will float their way. This is not surprising. It's also not really an honest indicator of the real problems the auto industry faces.

I could go on and on about those problems... namely a crushing labor agreement disaster and an addiction to the idea of selling luxury cars in this market...

And maybe I will... in the near future.

This is about them asking for money.

Everyone right now is crawling out of the woodwork asking for a piece of that 700 billion(ever stop to think that there are only just over 300 million people in america? and not even all of them pay taxes... but still that's $2333.33 a PERSON)and it's no suprise that the automakers want their share.
Asking for Money is not an indicator of problems that weren't already there. Are they in some trouble? Yes. Can they fix it? If they would just put in a little work.

The sales percentages are misleading. You have to look at the real numbers. But I'll get at that sooner or later.

Don't worry about the Auto industry too much is my point... they have the power to save themselves if they just swallow a few ugly pills.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

such an intelligent man-I want to devour his brains...whoah ha ha