Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nuclear Options

Tonight things went a little crazy with my circle of friends and I sort of engaged the nuclear option. In my ongoing study into the mechanisms that we all use to interact and make our society work I think it's strange that my personal life should so perfectly dovetail with what I've been reading. It's tempting to try and over dramatize the breakdown in interpersonal relationships but ultimately it all comes back down to a very simple perspective problem. Friendships are essentially a micro-crowd. The forces that effect a crowd, to expand it and make it crumble, all have their parallels in the Friendship Circles.
All things have a natural lifespan. Biological break down puts a definite limit factor on all living things. Companies rise and fall in accordance with need and market force. Crowds spring up and die as issues appear and resolve themselves. Friendships are a tempting target for the label of permanence but that's a very naive way to look at the whole exchange. In reality friendships continue until one party has too much to gain by removing the "Friend" who has become a roadblock. Sentimental loyalty combined with a dash of nostalgia and a healthy awareness of the uses of a particular friend may dictate sacrificing a little more in the name of "keeping my friends" but I'm a firm believer in the old adage that "Everyone has a price".
It follows from that, "Everyone has a value"
I found out my value tonight...
How much do you think you're worth?

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